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Bob Dylan summed it up: “The times [of the rates], they are a changing.”

  1. If you are on the current E-6 TOU rate you don’t need to do anything. This E-6 rate is currently slated to stay in place until 2020 or later.

  2. If you are on the old E-7 rate we recommend that you immediately change to the E-6 rate. Otherwise, PG&E will automatically switch you to the new TOU rate, which will not save you as much money as the E-6 rate.

  3. If you are on an EV rate and charge your vehicle at night, stay on the EV rate.

  4. If you are on the current E-1 rate and do not use a lot of electricity during weekday afternoons, we recommend that you change to the E-6 rate. Since the E-1 rate has no time of use component, it is generally good for customers who cannot run their meters backwards during the day (typically smaller solar systems and higher daytime AC electric loads). All current solar customers are on the Net Metering 1.0 program (and grandfathered for 20 years), so you can go back to the E-1 rate if the E-6 rate is not beneficial for you. Clear as mud, right? Unfortunately, these rate changes are complicated. Nevertheless, we want you to achieve the maximum benefits from your rooftop solar system. For more information, please call PG&E at (800) 743-5000 to discuss your rate options and decide whether moving to E-6 is the best option for you. E-7 Rates

  5. PEAK: noon to 6pm Monday through Friday, All Year, $0.16-$0.54/kwh

  6. OFF-PEAK: all other hours, $0.13-$0.30/kwhE-6 Rates Summer (May 1 through October 31)

  7. PEAK: 1pm to 7pm Monday through Friday, $0.34-$0.51/kwh

  8. PARTIAL-PEAK: 10am to 1pm and 7pm to 9pm Monday through Friday, plus 5pm to 8pm Saturday and Sunday, $0.23-0.39/kwh

  9. OFF-PEAK: All other times, including Holidays, $0.15-$0.32/kwh Winter (November 1 through April 30)

  10. PARTIAL-PEAK: 5pm to 8pm Monday through Friday, $0.17-$0.34/kwh

  11. OFF-PEAK: All other times, including Holidays, $0.15-$0.32/kwhEV Rates

  12. PEAK: 2PM-9PM Monday-Friday, 3PM-7 PM Sat, Sun, Holidays, $0.44/kwh Summer, $0.31/kwh Winter

  13. PARTIAL PEAK: 7AM-2PM Monday-Friday, 9PM-11PM M-F, $0.24/kwh Summer, $0.18/kwh Winter

  14. OFF PEAK: All other hours. $0.11/kwhFUTURE E-TOU Rates

  15. PEAK: 3pm to 8pm Monday through Friday, rates TBD

  16. OFF-PEAK: All other times, including Holidays, rates TBD


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