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SunPower – Requiem for a Solar Leader

“SunPower” and “bankruptcy” are two words I never thought I’d see in the same sentence. But we should temper our schadenfreude. The solar industry owes SunPower and their employees tremendous gratitude. Without a doubt, our industry would be much smaller without SunPower’s early and determined leadership.

So rather than dance on their potential grave, this week’s Energy Show will focus on SunPower’s accomplishments that I’ve witnessed first-hand over the past 20 years. Think about back contact cells; best dealer network; utility-scale installations on five continents; horsepower behind CALSSA and SEIA; Million Solar Roofs; uncapped ITC; Swanson, Werner, Shugar, Wenger, Blunden, Starrs; NexTracker and Renova. The list goes on.

There’s plenty of news about SunPower’s demise. For the other side of the story, please listen to this week's Energy Show podcast. 

About The Energy Show

Every week Barry hosts The Energy Show, a 30 minute informative talk show that covers a broad variety of energy related topics spanning technology, economics, policy, and politics that are shaping the future of how we generate and consume electricity, along with practical money-saving tips on ways to reduce your home and business energy consumption.

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